Trigger's Story

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Managing Triggers for Bipolar I

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The people featured in this video are sharing their individual experiences living with bipolar I disorder. They have all been compensated for their time. Individual experiences with the condition and treatment will vary.

This resource is brought to you by AbbVie.


Experiencing a bipolar trigger is debilitating. And what I’ve learned over the years is that the longer you let it go on, the deeper you go, the harder it is to pull out, the worse you feel about yourself. So for me, a trigger is a sign that I need to handle business, quick.

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Understanding Bipolar I Triggers


What are my triggers? One of my main triggers is confrontation. I’m not good with confrontation. I go from zero to jerk in 60 seconds, if not faster.


I watch very little television. I cannot sit still because it’s sitting still for too long, well, it just affects my mentality.


I have my friends. I use, you know, comedy in my humor as a form of therapy.


So in mania, for me, I get about a three or four hour warning that it’s coming on and I need to deal with this, to calm myself down, relax, focus, stay disciplined on the things I have to do. And that really saves me nowadays.


I need to focus on myself. I need to calm myself down and make sure that I empathize with others and don’t overreact.


I’m able to actually have an argument with my wife and have it remain an argument and not, you know, an excruciating fight.


By leading by example in walking the talk, it gives me the opportunity of being somebody that is living with bipolar disorder rather than somebody that is suffering from one.


I would say, find out what your triggers are. Definitely manage them. Talk to your counselor. Talk to your doctor. Talk to your psychiatrist about them. Find ways to cope with them.


You need to understand why you do certain things. You need to recognize when you’re not reacting proportionately to the situation. You need to recognize what triggers you.

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