You are greater than
your bipolar I

Help take control of your bipolar I symptoms and ask about VRAYLAR.

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Could it be bipolar I?

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Real people, real stories

Discover the real stories of real people living with bipolar I disorder.

The people featured in these videos are sharing their individual experiences of living with bipolar I disorder. They have all been compensated for their time. Individual experiences with the condition and treatment will vary. Not all of those featured are currently taking VRAYLAR. These videos are brought to you by AbbVie.

Talk to your healthcare provider to see if VRAYLAR may be right for you.

A real VRAYLAR story featuring: Alec and his toolbox

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A real VRAYLAR story featuring: Alec and his toolbox

In this real VRAYLAR story, Alec shares his treatment journey and the tools that help him manage his bipolar I.

Heidi shares how bipolar I is part of who she is

Dailyn, a spoken word poet, addresses stigma

Jon’s journey through misdiagnosis

Alec’s family helps him manage bipolar I

Mood tracker downloadable PDF.

Having trouble remembering
your highs and lows?

Use this mood tracker to record your symptoms each day, which may help your healthcare provider spot warning signs of bipolar I disorder.

You’re greater than your bipolar I mood swings

Watch our TV ad and ask your doctor if VRAYLAR may be able to help you manage bipolar I.

Additional resources

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Bipolar I support

Sign up for wellness support sent directly to your inbox.

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Find a support group

Connect with other people with bipolar I and learn from their experiences.

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Eligible patients may pay as little as $0 for 30-day or 90-day fills of VRAYLAR*

*Terms and conditions apply. Available to commercially insured patients only. See Terms and Conditions for full details.